The current regulated prices for electricity and water and sewerage services are as follows:
2024-25 Standing Offer electricity prices (GST inclusive) Note 1
Tariff | Description | Daily supply charge (cents per day) | Usage (cents per kWh) | First 500kWh usage per quarter (cents per kWh) | Usage in excess of 500kWh per quarter (cents per kWh) |
| Residential light & power Note 2 | 121.5081
| 29.6477
| Residential heating & hot water Note 2
| 22.6564
| 19.2528
| | |
| Residential Time of Use (ToU) | 134.9834
| Peak: 35.8366 Off Peak: 16.6862
| Busines ToU
| 135.8181
| Peak: 29.9482
Shoulder: 21.6461
Off Peak: 12.6613
| |
Note 1 These prices are for the most common tariffs only; a full list of the approved 2024-25 standing offer prices is available here: Aurora Energy's Approved Standing Offer Prices .
Note 2 As of 30 June 2024, Tariffs 31, 41 and 22 will no longer be available to new connections. Customers currently assigned may remain on this tariff unless they initiate assignment to another tariff.
Note 4 Tariff 93 time periods: AEST: Peak Mon-Fri 7am-10am & 4pm-9pm, Off Peak Mon-Fri 10am-4pm, 9pm-7am & Sat-Sun. ADST: Peak Mon-Fri 8am-11am & 4pm-10pm, Off peak 11am-5pm, 10pm-8am & Sat-Sun.
Note 5 Tariff 94 time periods: AEST: Peak Mon-Fri 7am-10pm, Shoulder Sat-Sun 7am-10pm, Off-peak Mon-Sun 10pm-7am. ADST: Peak Mon-Fri 8am-11pm, Shoulder Sat-Sun 8am-11pm, Off-Peak Mon-Sun 11pm-8am.
2024-25 Feed-in Tariff (FiT) Rates
Regulated FiT Rate
Cents per kWh (excluding GST) for energy exported to the grid |
More information about feed-in tariffs, including eligibility criteria, is available on the Feed-in Tariffs section of this website.
2024-25 Water and Sewerage charges Note 1
Description | Fixed charge ($ per annum) | Variable charge ($ per kilolitre (kL)) |
20mm Water connection Note 2 | 393.56
| 1.2186
Water service charge for unconnected properties | 393.56
20mm Fire service charge | 98.39
Sewerage connection (one Equivalent Tenement (ET))
| 755.25
| |
Sewerage service charge for unconnected properties | 453.15
| |
Note 1 These charges are for the most common services only; a full list of water and sewerage charges and fees is available on TasWater's website:
Note 2 Higher fixed charges apply to customers with larger sized water connections or higher sewerage ET assessments.