Approach to sewerage and trade waste charging

​​On 3 October 2024, the Tasmanian Economic Regulator released its ​Inquiry into TasWater's Trade Waste Charging Approach Final Report.

On 22 August 2024, the Tasmanian Economic Regulator released its Inquiry into TasWater's Sewerage Charging Approach Final Report and a separate summary, the Final Report at a Glance

The Tasmanian Economic Regulator relea​sed its Inquiry into TasWater’s Approach to Trade Waste Charging Draft Report on  ​​​​23 February 2024. The Regulator sought written submissions by close of business Friday 12 April 2024.​ 

Submissions were received from:

 Central Coast Cricket Club and East Ulverstone Football Club (PDF 140Kb)

 TasWater (PDF 59Kb)​

​The Tasmanian Economic Regulator ​​released its Inquiry into Sewerage Charging Draft Report on 8 December 2023. The Regulator sought written submissions by close of business Friday 9 February 2024.​

Submissions were received from:

 Nekon Pty Ltd (PDF 228Kb)

 Blakes Manor (PDF 193Kb)

 M Eastley (PDF 3Mb)

 TasWater (PDF 60Kb)

The Tasmanian Economic Regulator released its Sewerage and Trade Waste Charging Issues Paper on 24 February 2023.​ The Regulator sought written submissions by close of business Friday 28 A​pril 2023.​​​

Submissions were received from:

 Nekon Pty Ltd (PDF 417Kb)

 TasWater (PDF 3Mb)

 Property Council of Australia (PDF 331Kb)

 Central Coast Council (PDF 106Kb)

 Central Coast Cricket Club and East Ulverstone Football Club (PDF 129Kb)

 M Eastley (PDF 110Kb)

 R Koo (PDF 60Kb)

After reviewing the submissions on the Issues Paper, it became apparent to the Regulator that the complexities of trade waste charging were greater than originally anticipated. On 11 July 2023, the Regulator therefore decided that further work will need to be done to fully understand the options available for tra​de waste charging and the impacts arising from any changes to trade waste charging.

For this reason, the Regulator also decided at this time that the review of trade waste charging should be dealt with separately from sewerage charging.​

The terms of reference for the inquiry are available here.​

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