Performance Reporting
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One of the Regulator's key concerns is the performance of the Tasmanian water and sewerage industry. The Regulator aims to ensure that the interests of customers are not compromised by below standard service from the monopoly suppliers in the State. Public reporting is a powerful incentive for the industry to maintain and improve performance.
State of the Industry Report
The report set out the performance of the industry and provide insights to consumers and stakeholders of the ongoing capability of the industry by looking at trends in TasWater’s performance over time in a number of key areas. The Report also set out the key priorities for TasWater's improved performance, as identified by each of the industry regulators and TasWater itself.
Latest performance report and fact sheet:
Annual Performance Reports
The Water and Sewerage Industry Act 2008 (the Industry
Act) requires the Regulator to prepare a State of the Industry Report
(SOIR) within three months before a regulated entity is required to submit a
proposed price and service plan, or at any other time when directed to do so by
the Minister. The Report must be tabled in the Parliament within seven sitting
days of its finalisation. All reports will be made available on this website.
In preparing the Report, the Regulator is required to consult with the Director
of Public Health, the Director of the Environment Protection Authority, the
Secretary of the responsible Department in relation to the Water Management Act 1999 and any other person that
the Regulator considers appropriate.
The objective of the Report is to publicly assess the performance of licensed
providers of water and sewerage services.
The Report includes an overview of the performance of the water and sewerage
industry and identifies key priorities for improved performance of the