2021 Owner-Operator Taxi Licence Reserve Price Investigation

​Final Report and Price Determination

On 30 November 2021 the Regulator released a Final Report and Price Determination for the Owner-Operator Taxi Licence Reserve Price Investigation and a Notice of the making of a reserve price determination.

The Final Report and Price Determination sets out the minimum price that a new Owner-Operator Taxi Licence can be purchased from the Transport Commission between 1 December 2021 to 31 December 2025 for each calendar year and each of the 24 taxi areas in Tasmania.

Under the Taxi and Hire Vehicle Industries Act 2008, the annual release of the Owner-Operator Taxi Licences has been suspended until the end of 2024. Before 1 January 2025, the Transport Commission may make new Owner-Operator Taxi Licences available for purchase for a taxi area, if the Transport Commission is satisfied that there are insufficient taxis available to adequately meet the needs of consumers in that taxi area.

Draft Report and Price Determination

On 1 October 2021, the Regulator released a Draft Report and Price Determination for the Owner-Operator Taxi Licence Reserve Price Investigation for public consultation. 

The public consultation ended on 22 October 2021.​

The Regulator ​received one written submission:​

 Licence holder submission to the draft report (PDF 307Kb)

​Issues Paper​

On 22 July 2021, the Regulator released an Issues Paper for the Owner-Operator Taxi Licence Reserve Price Investigation for public consultation. 

The date for comments and submissions ended on 13 August 2021.

The Regulator received two written submissions:

 Licence holder submission to the Issues Paper (PDF 691Kb)​

 Transport Commission submission to the Issues Paper (PDF 76Kb)

Notice of intention to conduct an investigation​​​

On 23 June 2021, the Regulator issued a Notice of investigation to all holders of Tasmanian taxi licences. On 26 June 2021, the Regulator published a Notice in three Tasmanian newspapers.

Terms of Reference

The terms of reference for the first reserve price determination are specified in section 66D(2) and (3) of the Taxi and Hire Vehicle Industries Act 2008.

The first price investigation commenced on 1 July 2021 and must be completed before 1 December 2021.

The prices that are set in the determination will apply to the remainder of the calendar year of 2021 and the next four calendar years to the end of 2025.

Investigation timetable

Regulator's Issues Paper released for consultation22 July 2021
End of Consultation on Regulator's Issues Paper13 August 2021
Regulator engages targeted stakeholder consultation
​August/September 2021
Regulator's Draft Report and Price Determination released for consultation
1 October 2021
End of Consultation on Regulator's Draft Report and Determination
22 October 2021

​​Regulator releases its Final Report and Price Determination
By ​3November 2021​


General Enquiries
The Treasury Building, Level 3, 21 Murray Street
Hobart TAS 7000
Phone: (03) 6145 5899
Email: office@economicregulator.tas.gov.au

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