Current Consultations

​​​​​​Consultation with all interested stakeholders, especially customers, is essential to the office's success.


Information on submissions 

Submissions must be in writing and addressed to the Tasmanian Economic Regulator, GPO Box 770, Hobart, 7001 or emailed to

It is the Regulator's policy to publish written submissions to matters being consulted on the OTTER website. A respondent may request that the submission, or part of it, be treated as confidential. The material for which a request of confidentiality is made should be clearly identified. 

The Regulator will not publish submissions which contain material that the Regulator believes is or could be derogatory or defamatory. 

The Regulator has a Policy on the Treatment of Confidential Submissions that sets out how the Regulator deals with claims that submissions made in the course of consultation contain material that we should treat as confidential.

Click here for a list of Completed Consultations

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