Electricity Regulation in Tasmania
Page Content
The following is a schematic representation of the various regulatory instruments governing the Tasmanian electricity supply industry. It represents the relationship between
legislation - including both general and industry specific law which applies to the electricity industry - regulations and Orders in Council, and other instruments, such as
licences which may be issued or approved by the Regulator, and the
Tasmanian Electricity Code.
Regulatory framework diagram (Click to enlarge)
Responsibilities of the Regulator
The Regulator is concerned with the security and reliability of the electricity system, the quality of electricity supplied, and the prices and conditions of the supply of electricity and related services.
The Regulator is responsible for:
- setting maximum retail prices for the sale and supply of electricity services;
- administering the licensing system for electricity entities established by the
Electricity Supply Industry Act 1995;
- monitoring and regulating technical standards in the electricity supply industry;
- monitoring and enforcing the compliance of electricity entities with their licence conditions;
- performing and exercising the functions and powers of Jurisdictional Regulator in respect of Tasmania under the National Electricity Rules;
- issuing, maintaining, administering, and enforcing the Tasmanian Electricity Code;
- regulating Hydro Tasmania's wholesale contract activities (from 1 January 2014); and
- carrying out the other functions assigned to the Regulator under the
Electricity Supply Industry Act 1995, the regulations and the Tasmanian Electricity Code.