2025 Standing Offer Investigation and Determination

​Notice of intention to conduct a pricing investigation

​On 7 October 2024, the Regulator published a notice of intention to conduct a Standing Offer Pricing Investigation:

 Notice of intention to conduct a Standing Offer Pricing Investigation (PDF 154Kb)

​Standing Offer Methodology Review ​​​​

​In December 2023, the Regulator decided to review the methodology to be used in determining Aurora Energy's retail electricity (standing offer) prices for the regulatory period commencing on 1 July 2025. 

This Draft Paper summarises the Regulator's proposed approach to determining the maximum standing offer (regulated) prices that Aurora Energy can charge small customers in Tasmania on standard retail contracts for the supply of electricity during the next regulatory period. 

Consultation on the Draft Paper closed at 5:00pm on 2 August 2024.

Submissions were received from:

 TasNetworks (PDF 178Kb)

 Solstice Energy (PDF 157Kb)

 Aurora Energy (PDF 532Kb)

 Hydro Tasmania (PDF 508Kb)

 Tasmanian Small Business Council (PDF 280Kb)​

 The Council on the Aging Tasmania (PDF 42Kb)

 APA (PDF 99Kb)​

The Regulator also held consultation meetings with some members of the OTTER Customer Consultative Committee. A summary of issues discussed during each meeting is available below:

 Tuesday 30 July 2024 - Tasmanian Small Business Council and Goanna Energy (PDF 392Kb)​

 Friday 02 August 2024 - the Council on the Aging Tasmania, Salvation Army, and the Tasmanian Council of Social Service (PDF 389Kb)​

On 3 October 2024, the Regulator released its Final Paper and a separate summary, the Final Paper at a Glance.



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