Background - Feed-in Tariffs
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In December 2012, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed on revised National Principles for Feed-in Tariff arrangements (see Attachment B of the Regulator's October 2013 Regulated FiT Final Report).
These revised principles include that all premium FiT arrangements were to be closed to new participants by 2014 and that all other FiT customers were to receive a 'fair and reasonable' value for their exported electricity. Consequently, premium FiT schemes are now closed to new participants and each Australian jurisdiction has determined new 'fair and reasonable' values for exported electricity for new FiT customers. Electricity retailers may voluntarily pass on a higher FiT amount as part of their unregulated market offers.
Before 30 August 2013, Aurora Energy voluntarily offered a FiT under its Net Metering Buyback Scheme (NMBS). The NMBS offered customers a 'one-for-one' (1:1) FiT at the regulated light and power tariff (Tariff 31 for residential customers) or general supply tariff (Tariff 22 for small business customers) for the amount of electricity exported.
Past Government Policy
As part of the 2013 electricity reforms and consistent with the reforms agreed to by COAG, a review of the FiT rate applying in Tasmania was carried out.
Following the release of an issues paper on 16 May 2013 and consideration of submissions received on that paper, the Government at that time announced the following policy position on 18 August 2013:
- the one-for-one FiT arrangement that existed at the time would be closed at midnight on 30 August 2013, and would continue to be available to existing customers until 1 January 2019;
- customers applying to install eligible micro distributed generation systems on or after 31 August 2013 would be entitled to a feed-in-tariff rate of 8 c/kWh from 31 August 2013 until 31 December 2013;
- the Regulator would determine the Standard Feed-in Tariff Rate to apply from 1 January 2014 for all new installations occurring on or after 31 August 2013 ; and
- the Regulator would review the FiT rate annually.
The Regulator subsequently carried out an investigation to determine the Standard Feed-in Tariff Rate to apply for the period from 1 January 2014 to 30 June 2016. See information regarding the 2013 Feed-in-Tariff Investigation and Determination here.
Other links
2016 Feed-in-Tariff Investigation and Determination
2019 Feed-in-Tariff Investigation and Determination