Electricity Market Bulletins

​​​​​​Tasmanian Market Watch

Weekly Market Watch Bulletins 

In order to meet its objectives and protect the interests of consumers of electricity, the Regulator keeps itself informed on a range of issues relating to the electricity supply industry, including the dynamics and operations of the energy and ancillary services markets and the evolution of competition in the State. In doing so, the Regulator monitors various aspects of the market which involves collecting and analysing a range of data relating to the wholesale electricity market and the competitive electricity retail market.

Starting in July 2011, the Regulator will publish weekly electricity market bulletins that summarise the outcomes of the National Electricity Market in relation to the Tasmanian region, as well as other factors affecting the electricity system in Tasmania. The analysis is carried out for the NEM week which is from Sunday to Saturday of each week.

Tasmanian Market Watch contains electricity market information that requires the reader to have a basic level of knowledge of the national electricity market and its operations.

To help you understand the information contained in Market Watch, OTTER has prepared the Tasmanian Market Watch - Reader guide and glossary

Market Watch is compiled using information from NEM-Review™ (www.NEM-Review.info) and AEMO published data.

The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) publishes daily electricity wholesale market information, and weekly market reports. The AER is also required under the National Electricity Rules (NER) to report when the spot price exceeds $5 000/MWh. These reports can be found here.

AEMO reports on electricity market outcomes for events with a regional reference price exceeding $300/MWh or below -$30/MWh in a 30 minute trading interval. These reports are brief and posted within 4 business days of the event. AEMO Market and Pricing Event Reports.

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